The Hygard Appreciation Society Wikia

Welcome to the Hygard Appreciation Society, celebrating a 5th edition Dungeons & Dragons adventure that's been going for years and has built up a history of creative writings and illustrations. Here's the place for those collaborative pieces.

Quote of the Week:
"It appears that Mr Greta has disappeared, perhaps your keen senses and my logical reasoning would allow us to solve this mystery together." - Mr Stevens


Player Characters Non-player Characters Races Locations
Seasons S3 E1 Q & A Sessions
Legends and Rumours


Handsome Greta Jack Prince Mr. Stevens Chenzira
Profile Greta
Profile Prince
Profile Stevens
Profile Missing
Seraph Adelais Tektite
Profile Seraph
Profile Adelais
Profile Tektite

Hygard. City of cities. I've been here for years - making the most of the hand dealt to me by fate. Living amongst the downtrodden and the poor; hunting those who would prey upon the weak.

It's strange - this city was once a towering monument to cooperation that rang out the death knell of bigotry; a manifestation of all that could be accomplished if we but listen to those around us. Now, the curse of progress has brought it low - made of it a stagnating pit of bureaucracy that serves to keep the privileged in power; a manifestation of the depths to which we can fall if we cease to listen to those around us. A literal representation of the inequity of civilisation, where the rich build their lives atop the poor.

And yet... a stranger has come to the city - one who's ambitions, whilst ruthless, threaten to upset the status quo and bring about a change the likes of which have not been seen in centuries.

Given the choice, whether to live amongst a dissolute and failing city, or to challenge fate for another throw of the dice... what choice do we really have?

- Handsome Greta

Hygard. Towering, filthy, gleaming. It dominates the landscape for miles around as though it were a mountain, its dozens of crystalline temples shining in the sun and looming above the streets, threatening the sinners below.

Hygard. City of uncounted millions, from lich to kobold, from human to golem. Its power is unharnessed, its King content merely to rule over a peaceful metropolis through a myriad of competing spiritual and temporal powers groups.

Hygard. The place was perfect for me. I could lose myself within its walls, be someone else. Lose my old family and gain a new one. Build myself a noble House worthy of my name. Set in motion my plans, and take advantage of the competition. Become its Queen.

At least, that was the plan. Now I find myself in a cellar, pursued by gargoyles, the sleazy criminal swine who brought me here in front of me, unable to fully control the golem, uncertain of my bodyguard's willingness to obey, certain only that I and Chenzira are hurt.

But I get ahead of myself...

- Lady Jane De'ath

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